Inca Trail Machu Picchu

There are three ways to get to Machu Picchu: with the classic train trip, with the alternative route by Hydroelectric and with the Inca Trail. This last route is considered the most incredible, the most surprising of all. In 4 days of hiking and 3 nights of camping, cross 39 kilometers of trails that the Incas built hundreds of years ago. The goal is the Intipunku, the gateway to Machu Picchu used by the Incas and that only tourists who do the Inca Trail can see. In ‘Icaminoinca’ you can find all the advice you need on this route.

The number 1 hike in South America!

The Inca Trail is the best hiking route in Peru. It is also considered the number one in the world and one of the best in the entire planet. The reason? The roads were built by the Incas hundreds of years ago. Go through simply stunning landscapes, with high mountains, snow-capped mountains and jungles full of flora and fauna. And, as the cherry on the cake, it includes a visit to Machu Picchu. For all these ingredients the Inca Trail is a difficult route to match on the planet.

How to do the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu?


Solo se permiten 500 spaces available per day, of which 200 correspond to tourists and the rest to the support team: guides, cooks, porters and more.

Due to this, it is recommended to buy the tour between 6 or 7 months before.

The Inca historical route

The Inca Trail runs through part of the historic route of qhapac ñan

On the walk you can see archaeological sites such as Llactapata, Sayacmarca, Phuyupatamarca, Wiñayhuayna and, of course, Machu Picchu.

Complete information

Are you interested in doing the Inca Trail but you are not sure what this hiking route consists of?

Learn about each of the details related to this walk, considered one of the best on the planet.

Check the updated Inca Trail availability calendar

Check the availability calendar of the Inca Trail permanently updated. The ’50’ means there are fifty spaces available. The ‘0’ that there are no longer free spaces for the Inca Trail. Choose the month and day of your preference and check the availability of the route of your choice.

Historical route of the Incas to Machu Picchu

The Incas built more than 30 thousand kilometers of qhapac ñan or royal roads that connected Cusco with its vast empire. A small part of this route is the one that connects Cusco with Machu Picchu. Today there are two historical routes to Machu Picchu. The 4-day and 2-day version. Both allow you to reach the famous Inca city in the same way as the Incas did, that is, by their royal roads.

Learn more about the entrance to Machu Picchu Solo

Original Inca trail 4 days

That I will see?

  1. Original Inca trails (the qhapac ñan).
  2. Flora and fauna of the mountains and jungle of Cusco.
  3. Incredible landscapes of mountains and tropical forests.

Inca sites

  • Llactapata, Runkurakay and Sayacmarca.
  • Phuyupatamarca and Wiñayhuayna.
  • Machu Picchu

Distance and difficulty

  • 39 kilometers of royal Inca trails.
  • Moderate – high difficulty hike.
  • Recomendado para personas que gustan de caminatas.
Inca trail short 2 days

Inca trail short 2 days

That I will see?

  1. Original Inca trails (the qhapac ñan).
  2. Flora and fauna of the jungle of Cusco.
  3. Incredible landscapes of high jungle forests of Cusco.

Inca sites

  • Chachabamba archaeological site.
  • Archaeological site of Wiñayhuayna.
  • Machu Picchu.

Distance and difficulty

  • 12 kilometers of royal Inca trails.
  • Hike of moderate difficulty.
  • Recommended for the whole family, even children who like hiking.

Enjoy incredible places only with the 4-day route to Machu Picchu

The 4-day route through the Qhapac ñan is the only hike that allows travelers to observe hidden archaeological sites. In this walk you will be able to observe such incredible places as Machu Picchu. You will also enjoy incredible landscapes, an exuberant Andean flora as well as unique animal species in Peru.

Incredible landscapes

Incredible landscapes

On the route you will observe high mountain landscapes as well as tropical geographies of the jungle of Cusco. From 4,200 to 2,040 meters above sea level.

Rutas del Camino Inca a Machu Picchu


Wiñayhuayna is the last archaeological site that you will observe before arriving at Machu Picchu. This Inca citadel has a beauty similar to Machupicchu.

Rutas del Camino Inca a Machu Picchu

Spectacled bear

The spectacled bear inhabits the tropical forests of the route. It is famous for its spots around the face, similar to glasses. Although it is rare to see them, they can appear suddenly on the route.

Rutas del Camino Inca a Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is the final destination of this historic 4-day route. You get there after 39 kilometers on foot. The first view of this citadel is from the Intipunku (Puerta del Sol), just as the Incas did.


Get ready for one of the adventures of your life!

This adventure raises many questions for visitors planning to do this incredible hiking trail. Find out how to do the walk, when is the best time to go, when is the worst time to go, what are its rules, its prohibitions and much more. Go ahead and take one of the best walks in the world!

  • Dry season

    From April to October the days are sunnier and with little chance of rain. For many it is the best time to hike. Sunny days favor getting the best photos on the route. May, June and July are the driest months but with the coldest temperatures at night.
  • Rainy season

    From November to March it usually rains more frequently. Some tourists are uncomfortable. Others enjoy the beautiful landscapes that the rain brings. The rains can cause slipping on the road so you must walk carefully. January, February and March are the rainiest months so the necessary precautions should be taken.
  • Closing in February

    February is the rainiest month so the authorities decide to close the Inca Trail for safety and to carry out maintenance work on the route. During that month tourists can be encouraged to do other alternative hiking routes such as the Lares trek, the Huchuy Qosqo trek or the Choquequirao trek.
  • Camps

    The camps for each night are those of Huayllabamba, Pacaymayo and Wiñayhuayna (or Phuyupatamarca). All are well equipped for tourists. The authorities have chosen these places for the security they offer. Tourism agencies include all the necessary comfort to spend the night.
  • Prohibitions

    During the Inca Trail it is forbidden to damage the Inca buildings. Tourists should not carry knives, fuel, drones, firearms, and more. Remember that damaging the heritage of the Incas is considered a serious crime by the Peruvian authorities. Let’s take care of the historic Inca Trail and preserve it for the future!
  • The Intipunku

    On the last day of hiking, tourists arrive at Machu Picchu through the Intipunku (Puerta del Sol). This first panoramic view is an incredible experience difficult to forget. The Intipunku was a construction of walls, windows and enclosures where the rays of the sun reached each summer solstice.
  • The reserve

    The Inca Trail is considered one of the best hiking trails on the planet. However, it only has about 500 spaces available per day. Due to this, the reservation of the tour must be made online through a tourism agency 6 or 7 months in advance. Otherwise you will not find free spaces.
  • Backpack

    During the Inca Trail, it is recommended to carry a large backpack with a maximum weight of 5 kilos. Inside you should have the most necessary utensils such as: sleeping bag (not included in the tour), trekking cane (not included in the tour), cell phone batteries, camera, clothes, water, snacks, hat, sun block, mosquito repellent, personal hygiene accessories and medicines.

Choose your category and discover more!

  • Inca trail information

  • Nature

  • Reservation and services

  • Routes

  • Archaeological sites


Learn more about the Inca Trail and its news

Frequently asked questions about the Inca Trail and other routes in Cusco

Do you have questions about the Inca Trail and the other hiking routes in Cusco? Learn about the ten most frequent questions that tourists ask themselves before taking these walks.

  • 1) Is the Inca Trail open all year round?

    Yes, the Inca Trail is open all year round except for February which is the rainiest month of the year. On those days, cleaning and conditioning work is carried out on the route.
  • 2) Is it essential to book the Inca Trail online?

    Yes, the Inca Trail is a highly requested route by tourists. Therefore, it is necessary to make the reservation in advance. The only way to get availability is buying online.
  • 3) How long before should I make the reservation?

    The 4-day Inca Trail reservation must be made 6 or 7 months in advance.
  • 4) What to do if I don’t get availability?

    If you do not get availability for the 4-day Inca Trail, the best option is to do another hiking route such as the Salkantay trek, the Lares trek, the Huchuy Qosqo trek, the Inca Jungle or even the short 2-day Inca Trail.
  • 5) What is the best hiking route besides the Inca Trail?

    For most tourists and tour guides, the Salkantay trek is the second best hiking route in Cusco.
  • 6) When is the best time to go hiking in Cusco?

    The dry season (from May to September) offers the best months for hiking trails in Cusco. On those days the rains are not frequent so the climate is the best for walks.
  • 7) What does this adventure to the Inca Trail include?

    The 4-day classic Inca Trail includes: transportation to the starting point of the trek, cooking equipment (food), porters equipment (luggage load), camping utensils (sleeping bag and trekking pole not included), entrance fee to Machu Picchu and all sites as well as return by train and bus to Cusco.
  • 8) Can I do the Inca Trail on my own?

    No, the classic 4-day Inca Trail is a route protected by the Peruvian State so it can only be traveled by people with authorizations. Tourism agencies offer such authorizations. People cannot do this route on their own.
  • 9) Is there an age limit to do the Inca Trail?

    No. Although there is no age limit to do the 4-day Inca Trail, it is best to be between 8 and 65 years old. It is good to be in good physical condition and, if applicable, have the approval of your doctor.
  • 10) What to take to the Inca Trail?

    The trip to the Inca Trail already includes the main things so the tourist should only worry about bringing personal items: sleeping bag (not included in the tour), trekking cane (not included in the tour), good shoes, a poncho in case of rain, sun block, mosquito repellent, comfortable sports clothes, rehydrating water, personal hygiene items, some cash and a camera to capture the beautiful scenery.