Monthly Archives: February 2024

Cloud forest of Machu Picchu – The geography of Machu Picchu

One way to explain and better understand the geography where Machu Picchu is located is to talk about cloud forests. Cloud forests are ecosystems that can be found in many parts of the world. The main characteristics are the high presence of mists and mountain peaks with abundant vegetation. If we see Machu Picchu through […]

Machu Picchu and Huchuy Picchu – Entrance Information

Machu Picchu has 5 entrances in total, all of which serve to make the tour of the llaqta. Some of them allow you to make short hikes to the mountains. Probably the best known is the hike to Huayna Picchu. However, there are some other options. One option to go beyond the llaqta of Machu […]

The Moon Temple at Machu Picchu or on the way to Huayna Picchu

Machu Picchu is a destination full of mysteries. The Inca constructions seem to be in harmony with nature. For example, the wonder of the world was built on top of a mountain, which is accessed by different paths. Not only that, it is possible to continue the route by Inca trails and reach Huayna Picchu. […]

It is worth buying the ticket to Machu Picchu + Machu Picchu Mountain

Machu Picchu is one of the 7 wonders of the modern world. Visiting it, nowadays, is not as complicated as it was years ago. Today you can find transportation to the access area and also different types of tickets. Among these tickets, we can find the entrance ticket to Machu Picchu Mountain which also includes […]

Differences between 4-Day Inca Trail and Choquequirao Trek

Two hiking routes test even the most experienced hiker. They are routes considered as moderate high, but in both cases, they have destinations that are a jewel to the ingenuity of the human being. In the case of the Inca Trail 4 days, the long hike has as its destination the wonder of the world […]

The easiest route to Machu Picchu and short treks

To get to Machu Picchu currently has many hiking trails and also with comfortable travel by train. The trekking routes are dedicated to people who love nature and in a certain way to people who have more than 2 days to make the trekking routes. On the other hand, there is another group of people […]

The most extreme trekking to Machu Picchu

The treks to Machu Picchu are usually demanding, but there is one that puts more than one to the test. The most extreme trekking route to Machu Picchu is the one that starts near the Apurimac Canyon and passes through the archaeological site of Choquequirao. This route can be done after 7 or 8 days […]

Huayna Picchu, the perfect complement to the Inca Trail

The Inca Trail is one of the most spectacular routes that can be done to reach Machu Picchu. We all know that Machu Picchu is considered a wonder of the modern world, but little is said about Huayna Picchu. Huayna Picchu is located very close to the iconic Machu Picchu. Some of the tourists who […]

Recommendations and safety for the Salkantay Trek

The Salkantay Trek is one of the routes to Machu Picchu that is beginning to have more followers. Over the years, people have been inclined to do trekking routes for the motivation generated by their encounters with nature. Several people of different ages decide to take this route to reach the wonder of the world. […]

The Salkantay snow-capped mountain at more than 6000 meters above sea level

In Peru, you can climb mountains and snow-capped peaks that easily exceed 6,000 meters in altitude. One of these incredible and inaccessible destinations is located in Cusco. Located right in the Vilcabamba Mountain range lies the snow-capped mountain of Salkantay. It is one of the most important mountains because it can supply water to lakes […]